The New York Tractor Pullers Association is pleased to announce
the 2024 Season Sponsors
See bottom of page for Sponsorship and Program Ads available to you. Help support NYTPA,
Power & Construction Group, Inc.
96 River Rd.
Scottsville, NY 14546
John & Morgan Lilly
Don "Gramps" Skellie
Greenwich, NY
Interested in becoming a NYTPA sponsor?
contact: John Maier 607-437-1092 maierjd3@gmail.com
NYTPA Sponsorship Packages
Package A = $10,000 Package - NYTPA MAJOR EVENT SPONSOR - All Classes - All Events
- Name one event after sponsor from listed schedule or within sponsor territory.
- Two banners 3' x 6' displayed trackside with sponsor's name (provided by NYTPA)
- Sponsor's name/logo will be placed on Frisbees.
- Two sponsor decals (provided by NYTPA) will be displayed on all competing vehicles.
- Sponsor's name will be announced once at beginning & once at end of each event.
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 3 times during each class.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA website with link to sponsor's site.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA t-shirt & sponsor receives 2 t-shirts & hats.
- Sponsor receives two passes to events.
- 4 Banquet tickets
- Full Page Ad in NYTPA advertising program which is distributed at all events.
Package B = $5,000 Package - NYTPA REGIONAL EVENT SPONSOR - All Classes - 10 Events
- Two banners 3' x 6' displayed trackside with sponsor's name (provided by NYTPA)
- Two sponsor decals (provided by NYTPA) will be displayed on all competing vehicles.
- Sponsor's name will be announced once at beginning & once at end of each event.
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 3 times during each class.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA website with link to sponsor's site.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA t-shirt and sponsor will receive 1 t-shirt.
- Sponsor receives two passes to events.
- 2 Banquet tickets
- Full Page Ad in NYTPA advertising program which is distributed at all events.
Package C = $2,500 Package - NYTPA CLASS EVENT SPONSOR - One Class - All Events
- Two banners 3' x 6' displayed trackside with sponsor's name (provided by sponsor)
- Sponsor's name will be announced once at beginning & once at end of each event.
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 3 times during "named" class.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA website with link to sponsor's site.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA t-shirt and sponsor will receive 1 t-shirt.
- 2 Banquet tickets
- Full Page Ad in NYTPA advertising program which is distributed at all events.
Package D = $1,000 Event Package - SPONSOR 1 EVENT
- Sponsor's name will be announced once at beginning & once at end of each event.
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 2 times during each presented class.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA website with link to sponsor's site.
- 2 Banquet tickets
- Half Page Ad in NYTPA advertising program which is distributed at all events.
Package E = $1,000 Package - NYTPA CLASS SPONSOR - One Class - 6 Events
- One banner 3' x 6' displayed trackside with sponsor's name (provided by sponsor)
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 3 times during "named" class.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA website with link to sponsor's site.
- Sponsor's name/logo will be posted on NYTPA t-shirt.
- 2 Banquet tickets
- Half Page Ad in NYTPA advertising program which is distributed at all events.
Package F = $500 Package - NYTPA FAN Plan - One Class - One Event
- Sponsor's name will be announced at least 6 times during "named" class.
- Sponsor's website linked to NYTPA website.
Package G = $500 - FULL PAGE PROGRAM AD
- FULL Page Ad in NYTPA's new advertising program to be distributed at all events.
Package H = $300 - HALF PAGE PROGRAM AD
- HALF Page Ad in NYTPA's new advertising program to be distributed at all events.
- QUARTER Page Ad in NYTPA's new advertising program to be distributed at all events.
- BUSINESS CARD Ad in NYTPA's new advertising program to be distributed at all events.
National sanctioning body Pro Pulling League would like to thank the following company's for their sponsorship
Click on logo for links
Updated 2/10/25